31 December 2015

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a long-held reputation of being good for skin, especially for the treatment of burns. In fact, my grandmother kept an aloe vera plant in her kitchen, which she would use for burns.
Nearly every lotion contains “the soothing power” of aloe vera and you can buy pure aloe vera gels and aloe vera juices in a typical supermarket. On lotions or creams that contain aloe vera, it may also be listed as burn plant, lily of the desert, elephant’s gall, aloin, aloe-emodin or barbaloin.
But what is the truth behind the health benefits claimed by aloe vera users?

What Is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is a succulent plant found in locations throughout the world. It has been used for thousands of years to heal wounds and help sooth skin conditions.

Aloe Vera Uses: More than Just Burns

You’ll find people who use aloe vera juice as a laxative to treat constipation, and some say it can help with diabetes, asthma and epilepsy (do not try it for these conditions without your doctor's consent).
More commonly, it is used to soothe sunburns and other skin problems -- even to ease arthritis.

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel and Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera juice (or powder in a pill form) is indeed a strong laxative. Anyone taking aloe vera juice should be very careful -- they may be heading for the bathroom more than they want to. Overdoing it could lead to dehydration and other problems.
For skin, aloe vera is best for minor burns and scraps. For anything more than minor, it should not be used as some studies have shown it can even interfere with healing.

Aloe Vera Side Effects

Overall, there are not really any significant side effects to aloe vera, especially if it is used on the skin. Be sure that the aloe vera gel that you are applying is clean (you don’t want to put dirt in a wound or on a burn).
If you are drinking the gel, it can cause cramping and diarrhea.

30 December 2015

Neem Juice Health Benefits

Neem Juice Health Benefits: Drinking Tips

Neem, an ayurvedic medicine, has several health benefits. Neem is beneficial for the body, skin and hair. Its bitter taste makes it difficult for people to eat. This is why neem juice is one way to consume the beneficial ayurvedic medicine.

Health benefits of neem juice: 
1. Due to its anti-inflammatory ingredients, neem juice extract is best to get rid of acne or pimples. Neem juice also improves the complexion. 

2. By drinking neem juice, the toxins from the system are flushed out. This improves the hair quality, skin complexion and digestion. 

3. Neem juice is considered effective for diabetic patients. By having neem juice everyday, you control the sugar levels in the body.

4. Applying few drops of neem juice on the eyes improves eye sight and also cures conjunctivitis. 

5. Massaging the skin with neem juice reduces dark chicken pox marks. Skin diseases such as eczema and small pox are also cured by having neem juice. 

6. Another health benefit of neem juice is it cures malaria. Neem juice reduces the development of virus and improves the liver functioning. 

7. Neem juice reduces vaginal pain during pregnancy. Many pregnant women massage with neem juice to get rid of labor pain. 

8. Neem juice extract when applied on pimple or acne gives a soothing effect and reduces them. 

How to drink neem juice? 

Neem juice is very bitter and difficult to drink. If you want to enjoy the health benefits of neem juice, then think it as a glass of medicine and swallow it. Take a look at more ways to drink neem juice. 

1. Add some spices in neem juice to make it tasty. To drink neem juice, add a pinch of salt or black pepper or both. 

2. Many people hate the smell of neem juice. Keep it in the fridge for 15-20 minutes or add ice cubes before drinking it. It is best to have neem juice immediately after making it. Never store it for more than 30 minutes. 

3. Neem juice is bitter but after having it, the taste in mouth is not felt. Often after eating bitter food, the mouth taste turns to sweet. 

4. Pinch the nose while swallowing neem juice. This makes it easy to drink neem juice. 

5. Never add sugar if you want to get the health benefits of neem juice. 

6. Have neem juice empty stomach early in the morning. Add salt or black pepper and little water to reduce the bitterness.

29 December 2015

Beautiful hair

Amla Juice for Skin and Hair

The small round fruits of the Amla tree are packed with the goodness of Vitamin C and Antioxidants. The mildly sour and astringent fruits have an incredible cooling effect on the entire body. They also boost your immunity, accelerate digestion and keep your body fit. When your internal system is ship-shape, that automatically reflects in your skin and hair. Consuming amla regularly helps you get lustrous hair and beautiful skin. One of the most convenient ways of incorporating amla in your diet is in the form of amla juice. Let see how to make it and what the benefits of amla juice are for skin and hair

How to make Amla Juice – Amla Juice Recipe
Amla or gooseberries are available in abundance in the market during the winters. You can buy it in bulk during the season and make an amla juice concentrate at home and store it in the refrigerator to be used over 3 months. In order to make the juice with 1 kilogram of gooseberries, you would need
  • 1 kg of  amla or gooseberries
  • Salt/ Sugar/ Jaggery / Pepper to taste (Best Avoided)
Agreed that any juice tastes great when there is salt and sugar in it, but since we are drinking the juice for health reasons, you could avoid the seasoning. If you must use it, then use the salt and sugar in moderation.
  • Wash and clean all the gooseberries. A kilo would have about 25-30 medium sized gooseberries.
  • Chop them into quarters and add them to your blender.
  • Blend it well until it becomes pureed.
  • Strain this puree in a muslin cloth. Separate the juice from the pulp.
  • Whizz the pulp again in the blender and strain. Do this couple of times until all the juice has come out.
  • Discard the pulp. Take a part of the juice and to it add the salt, pepper and sweetener if you like as per your taste. You could also add ginger, cardamom and lemon for additional flavoring. Blend in the mixer and add it to the remaining juice.
  • You can store the concentrate in the fridge for a month. Else, you can freeze it in your ice tray, transfer the cubes in a freezer safe bag. The frozen cubes can be used over three months.
To make the juice,
Add 1 part of the concentrate to 3 parts of water or 2 cubes in 200 ml water and mix. Enjoy your healthy, homemade and refreshing amla juice.
Benefits of Amla Juice for Skin and Hair 
  • The antioxidants in amla juice help fight the free radicals that cause aging. Regular consumption of the juice keeps your skin free from wrinkles and makes it glow.
  • Amla juice is very cooling for the body. Drinking amla juice every morning avoids appearance of pimples on the face. It also fights pimple causing bacteria. You can eventopically apply amla juice on acne and pimples. The Vitamin C in the amla helps heal them.
  • Amla juice is a great cleanser. It not just cleanses your system from within when consumed, it can also be applied on the skin in order to cleanse it. Simply dab a cotton ball with some juice on your face and gently cleanse it. It removes excess sebum and fights acne causing bacteria.
  • Amla juice can also help treat pigmentation like all other fruits rich in Vitamin C. Apply some amla juice on your face as a face pack and leave it to dry. Wash off with cold water. This helps you get rid of tanning and blemishes in your skin.
  • Using amla juice as a face pack or drinking it regularly helps in toning your skin and keeping it firm due to its anti-aging properties.
  • Amla is not just great for the skin but also for the hair. Amla oil has been used for generation to promote hair growth. Read more about how to make amla oil and its benefits here
  • Amla contains tannins which act as natural hair dyes. Using amla juice on the hair as a mask or a rinse helps in preventing premature greying and makes your hair dark and lustrous.
  • Drinking Amla Juice every single day accelerates your hair growth and makes it thick. Amla helps in stimulating your hair follicles and rejuvenates the dormant follicles. This leads to increased hair growth.
  • Rinsing you hair with amla juice as the final rinse cleanses your scalp and also adds a shine to your hair.
  • Amla is an antimicrobial. Massaging your scalp with amla juice helps you get rid of dandruff.
Read more about other health benefits of amla here 
So go ahead and make that amla juice concentrate before the season of these miraculous fruits ends. Add it to your diet and beauty regimen and see your skin and hair transform.

17 December 2015

beautiful mehandi



Badam Halwa

Badam Halwa

Almonds - 1 cup (around 80 almonds)
Milk - 3 tblsp
Ghee - 3 tblsp
Sugar - 1 cup (or as needed)
Saffron - a pinch
Kesari Powder/ Yellow food colour - a pinch
1. Soak the almonds in hot water for 2 hours and peel the skin off the almonds. To make it faster, boil the almonds with the water for 15-20 minutes and peel them or use store bought peeled almonds.
2. Grind the almonds in a blender or mixie along with the milk to make a paste. Add very little milk just to help the mixie moving.
3. Heat the sugar with 1/4 cup of water and bring it to a boil to make a simple syrup.
4. Add the milk-almond paste and keep stirring constantly to prevent it from getting burnt at the bottom.
5. Add saffron strands and food colour while mixing it.
6. Keep adding ghee little by little (1 tsp at a time) and keep stirring.
   Note :- It is best to use a non stick pan to prevent sticking at the bottom.
7. When the mixture cooks, there can be lot of hot splatterings. 
8. When the splattering reduces, it is an indication that the mixture is almost cooked.
9. Continue mixing until the halwa no longer sticks to the pan and ghee starts seperating out. (The perfect Halwa consistency!!!)
10. Garnish with fresh nuts and serve as such or top it with ice cream. 
   (Another option is to spread the halwa in a flat tray when it is still hot. Refrigerate it for a while till it hardens a bit. Then cut in into square shapes and serve as badam cake/ badam katli.)

16 December 2015

Apple Jalebi

Apple Jalebi

Apples -2 (peeled and sliced in thin rings )
All purpose flour (maida) - 3/4  cup 
Sugar -  1/2  tsp
Oil - 1 tsp
Oil - to fry
For Syrup
Sugar - 1 1/4 cup
Water - 1 cup
Lemon juice - 1/4 teaspoon
Cardamom powder - 1/4  teaspoon
1. Dissolve the  sugar in 1/4 cup warm water, and let it sit for about 5 minutes.
2. Mix the flour and oil together.
3. Add the sugar solution to the flour and mix. Add more water as needed to make a smooth batter. The consistency of the batter should be like pancake mix to coat the apple slices.
1. Boil the sugar and water together.
2. Add the lemon juice, cardamom  and boil for about 8 minutes until syrup is about 1/2 thread consistensy. Lemon juice keeps the mixture from crystallizing
Making the jalebis
1. Heat the oil in a frying pan.
2. Dip the apple slices completely into the batter.
3. Slowly drop the slices into the frying pan in small batches.
4. Turn them occasionally and fry until both sides are golden-brown.
5. Transfer them immediately into the warm syrup.
6. Let jilebi soak in the hot syrup for a few seconds. Take out and gently place over a wire rack so that the excess syrup can drip from the jalebis.
7. Serve this hot/cold as such or with some vanilla ice cream.

marry christmas

12 December 2015



Rice flour - 1 cup
Wheat flour  - 2 tblsp
Ripened Banana - 2 or 3
Brown sugar - 1/2 cup
cardomom powder - 3/4 tsp
Baking Powder - 1/4 tsp
Toasted sesame seeds- 2 tsp
1. Blend the banana nicely using a blender or mixie.
2. Add rice flour , wheat flour, brown sugar, baking powder, cardamom and blend it together. Add the sesame seeds to batter.
3. The consistency of the batter should be little thicker than the idli batter.
4. Heat the paniyaram griddle(puffed pancake griddle-made of cast Iron).
5. Add few drops of oil to each hole and pour the batter.
6. When the edges turns golden brown flip it,so that the other side will cook.
7. Allow it to cook on medium heat for another couple of minutes. If the heat is too high, the outside will get browned up too fast before the inside is cooked.
8. When the unniappam is done, it is like a ball and comes out easily from the griddle. Yummy unniappam is ready to serve.